About me

My name is Shani and I'm an artist and a sculptor from Israel. I have been living in Vancouver, Canada with the love of my life since 2015 and recently a new member has joined our team, our beloved baby :) I consider my baby to be the best piece of art I have ever created (obviously co-created :)
As a sculptor, I sculpt with various materials and I especially like to work with materials that people consider trash. Creating art fills my life with wonder, though it took me a while to find my way back to it. Art was always an important part of my life. Even as a child, you could have never seen me without a piece of material in my hands, trying to give it a life of its own. Somehow when choosing a major in college, I chose industrial design over art. However, my works were always much more sculptures than products. I guess this route wasn't quite right for me, but it was a fascinating experience. As said, Sometimes we take a wrong turn to get to the right place. Searching for my artistic point of view, I went through quite a few styles and techniques. I tried many materials, some of them were even edible, but I kept going back to metal wire and paper mache. Eventually, I combined them and they became the base for my original sculptures. My sculptures are all about the lines. I have always been captivated by lines. There's something so pure about them. So little can do so much. As Picasso said, "If lines and shapes rhyme and come to life, It's like a poem". As I see it, I'm actually drawing in space. There’s a great deal of flexibility in my creative process. I always start by describing my subject, though the lines defining it somewhere get a life of their own, liberated from any realistic description. That’s what I love about this process, although I know where it starts, I don’t know where it’s going to take me. Sometimes I feel as if the flowing lines guide me and not the other way around. I just let them lead me.